Diundang Hadiri Seminar

KEMARIN ada email datang dari pihak University of Malaya. Makalah yang saya kirim untuk dipresentasikan pada seminar internasional di sana, lulus seleksi. Saya diundang untuk presentasi pada Konferensi Internasional Asia Tenggara pada bulan Desember nanti.

Sebagaimana lazimnya seminar, saya mesti membayar dulu biaya registrasi, yang nantinya akan diganti saat berada di Malaysia. Nah, itu dia yang menggelisahkan saya. Jadi atau tidak berangkat, biarlah waktu yang menjawab. Saya masih bimbang. Berikut, saya lampirkan email lulus seleksi tersebut.

Dear Yusran Darmawan,

The Organising Committee of ICONSEA 2009 is pleased to inform you that your paper entitled “Memories of communist victims at Buton Island: An anthropological studies on historicity and memories” is accepted for oral presentation in the Third International Conference on Southeast Asia 2009 to be held at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 8th to 9th of December 2009.

You are required to send in your full paper by the 30th of October 2009 to be included in the Conference Proceedings. Please adhere strictly to the paper writing guidelines available at the Conference website. You are also required to register at the Conference website and pay the registration fee before the 30th of October 2009 to secure early bird payment.

We will continue to update you particularly in terms of your presentation scheduling as more information becomes available. I look forward to seeing you in Kuala Lumpur soon.

Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours sincerely,

Dr. Thirunaukarasu Subramaniam

Vice Chairman
Third International Conference on Southeast Asia

Yusran Darmawan
Yusran Darmawan just learn and practice