Conversation with Obregon
DI luar negeri, semua staf pengajar rajin membuka email kemudian membalasnya. Mereka sangat terbuka pada teknologi sebab menyadari bahwa teknologi menjadi pintu untuk melihat dunia serta portal untuk berdiskusi dengan siapa saja. Terkait visa ke Amerika yang belum kelar, beberapa hari lalu saya mengontak advisor saya di Ohio, Prof Dr Rafael Obregon.
Dear Dr. Rafael Obregon,My name is Muhammad Yusran Darmawan. I’m a researcher from Indonesia. My last research is about the collective memories of communist victims in Buton Island, Indonesia. Last year, I got a scholarship from Ford Foundation to continue my education in Communication and Development Program, Ohio University. It’s honor for me to join as one of your students in Ohio. I’m very exciting to become a student in Ohio. This is one of my dreams to get good education and to emancipate my community in Buton island, Indonesia.According to the schedule from Ford Foundation and Institute of International Education (IIE), I must arrive in Athens on August 23. But I have a little problem here. Last Monday, I was interviewed by US embassy to get a Visa. In the end of interview, I got a yellow notice. It’s mean that there is an administrative process in US embassy and I must wait for a while. In my country, sometimes many people only waiting for two weeks to get a Visa, but sometimes someone must wait until a month. I ever heard about someone who waiting until three month. It is depend on the administrative process in US embassy. I hope I get my Visa as soon as possible.I send this email to get information about the academic season in Ohio. I read in my Letter of Acceptance (LoA) that I must register to OU on August 25. If I late to come to Athens, I will late to register as student in your program. Am I right? What can I do now?
Tak sampai beberapa jam, ia membalas email tersebut dengan kalimat yang sangat menguatkan. Saya tak menyangka kalau seorang pengajar yang amat sibuk, sempat-sempatnya membalas email dengan kalimat yang yang memahami problem yang saya hadapi. Ia juga memberikan tawaran yang cukup melegakan jika saya terlambat tiba di Ohio. Berikut email balasan dari Mr Rafael Obregon tersebut:
Dear Yusran:Many thanks for your email and update re your visa application. I am sorry to hear that you are facing this situation. I hope that the U.S. Embassy will issue your visa as soon as possible. Please let us know if you hear from the Embassy by Tuesday next week. If you miss the orientation for international students, you will still be able to receive the necessary advice re registration, access to resources, etc. Let’s wait and see what happens over the next four or five days.I am copying our colleagues at Ohio University’s International Student and Faculty Services who may be able to provide additional advice regarding these matter.Best regards.Rafael Obregon